

This week has been crazy. Creation Studies exam today. Philosophy (from now on to be known as Philawful, not because it's hard but because in most cases it's impractical) exam today. Presentation on Sexual Disorders and Dysfunctions in Abnormal Psychology today (which was really loads of fun, not kidding. A guy in my group...let's just say he accurately portrayed a person with a transvestic fetishism). Psychological Assessment and Measurement exam tomorrow. And the retardo class tomorrow morning. Love the material, the prof should go back to being a 3rd grade teacher fo' sho'.
-I like the autosave feature. It's neat.-

Stephen Baldwin was less than 500 feet from me. Mike Huckabee too. At the same time. Ron friggin' Luce spoke in convo this morning. (Please feel free to interpret that "friggin'" however you like.) Tonight at campus church a metal band played that I've never heard of (Dogs Of Pray?).
Liberty University is so unique.
Coffeehouse was Friday, and AMAZING. So funny, so talented. Look up some videos on Youtube. And go to www.justinkintzelproductions.com and hilarity will ensue if you watch the LUPD (Liberty University Police Department) videos and the Good, Bad, and The Ugly bloopers. I definitely have a new LU celeb crush: oh yes, Justin Kintzel. And no, Katie, he is not short. He's an inch or two taller than me, which is fine because I pretty much never wear shoes, much less high heels.
The celeb/stranger crush is my favorite. You know, sometimes you just have these people in mind and you think, "Hey, they seem cool." And you've heard them speak and seen them around and heard things about them. It's not a serious crush or interest, just an admiration I guess. But this could just be me. Be honest though. It's not just me, especially not at Liberty.
I've told you almost nothing of substance, which just means I'll be back soon because I can't let you starve. Just fast for a while. I should do something with my life, sorry. Take this opportunity to realize just how good a steak would be right now...

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