

Souvenir. In French this word means "to remember." 
That's what I want to do, to remember. Everything.
So, I have undertaken a project.
This project is rather undefined and consists mainly of my thoughts as I struggle out of this cocoon in which I'm encapsulated. 
And because a lot of it deals with my struggles, some of it I will not publish. Most of it, yes; some of it, no.
It will be sporadically created, since I am not a static or mechanized being. 
It will be explained more in the next several paragraphs, which make up what I would call The Prologue.

This is not the first time I’ve started something not knowing how it will end.
It may be the first time I’ve started something knowing that I can end it however I wish.

That’s not true.
I want the same One who writes everything else to help me write this too.
Because things don’t end well when I’m alone in them.

It’s also not true because I can end anything however I wish. My job, my activities, my life. Unless Something intervenes, I have control. And because I know how everything will end: Glorious and Beautiful.

So welcome to this book. I may not actually finish it, but it will be finished with. You may not actually finish it, but it will be finished with. It will be filled, to whatever extent, with the thoughts of this author.

Here are some identifying characteristics of this author (because perspective is essential):
Currently twenty-one years of age; female; native Virginian; current South Carolina resident; graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S. in Counseling and Clinical Research Psychology; follower of the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified; lover of language and nature; hopeful, but currently seeking therapy for depression; quick to assume; house parent for eight middle school girls; artistic; impulsive; done with this list for now.

Some of the things I write and you read will be trivial. Some of them will be important. Sometimes we’ll disagree about which is which.

And that’s okay.

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